Originally posted by Eddie
but the other day it peaked twice and reached 100+kb/ps, if it can reach that number then why does my speed average at 67-70kb/ps ??
First of all, how fast is your connection supposed to be?
Are you sure it's peaking at over 100 kB/s? Try installing
DU Meter if you haven't already and examine the graph while you dowload. Note that while Internet Explorer's download program might mention over 100 kB/s, the actual speed according to DU Meter may be at a constant 67-70 kB/s. My DU Meter graph has never temporarily shown a value greater than the speed I'm paying for.
Install DU Meter on your sister's computer too and compare the download speeds while downloading the same file from the same source. If there indeed is a difference, you might start blaming the router. Also, to possibly establish the router as a cause, check what speeds you are able to attain when your computer is connected directly to the DSL/cable modem...
BTW, would you happen to be on a wireless connection, your sister perhaps being on a wired connection? That may have some impact if your signal is weak...