Originally posted by A. Madsen
No, but youre saying that "quite possible that it will be dismissed completely" which you dont know.
Such feature demand much work, it isn't some small feature and servers need to be adapted to handle it, protocols need to be changed, etc... etc..., also the word "evaluating" etc. Other, much "easier"/smaller things to implement, have been evaluated in the past and never heard of since, so...
Also "dismissing" is what you can get when you're "evaluating"...
Originally posted by A. Madsen
and "This isn't for the near futur... " which you allso do not know,
Also see above... Also the other replies from the other experts: some even don't mention "upcoming"...
All I say is that saying it "WILL be there" is not correct at all and people will only read what they want to read and this is how rumours start. Saying "it can be possible in the futur" is more correct.