Originally posted by chris4
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by Demz
F8 or F12 to get into safe Mode isnt it Cookie?
something like that, or F5...
It's F8
among others... like I said, F5 will do the same...
You have several options for accessing safe mode. The most common method involves pressing the F5 or F8 key down as soon as you turn on the computer. Hold it there until you hear a beep, a startup menu (a list of the computer’s various startup options) appears on-screen, or safe mode loads.
You can press the F5 key to access safe mode directly in all Windows versions.
If you prefer to access the safe mode via a startup menu, you need to press CTRL key in Windows 98. In Windows Me/2000/XP you need to press F8.
The method varies slightly if you have more than one OS installed on your PC. In that case, wait for the OS Choices Menu to appear, select which version of Windows you want to access by highlighting it and pressing ENTER. Then begin pressing the appropriate key (either F5, F8, or CTRL).