Please always search forums first
Originally posted by YottabyteWIzard
Awesome lizard.boy! It worked! Thank you!
Actually rav0 already posted the correct proper (and complete) information incl. solution
The problem can be caused by two things. And the solution given by lizard.boy is only a part of the story. In fact, most stuff (not everything) said in this thread is correct. So it isn't a matter of their solutions not working and not being correct, as they will work and are actually correct, they are all just only a part of the story. As noted in the link previously posted by rav0, it depends on 2 things: 'Active Desktop' being enable or not, and/or 'Lock Web Items' being used or not...
Among the many threads created before about the exact same problem:
CookieRevised's reply to Dodgy White Square
There can also be a related problem: 'Active Desktop' will be automatically enabled if you use certain desktop background images:
CookieRevised's reply to Transparent Icons Help (also noted and linked to in the previous link)
So, the solution of lizard.boy might work for YottabyteWIzard's case, but might not for others.
Originally posted by YottabyteWIzard
Ooops, sry for that CR, 2nd time you tell me this
really? hmmm, ok, next time you owe us all a drink