RE: s.o.s. please...
Messenger Plus! Extension Area - These forums are to be used with anything Messenger Plus! - help, ideas, scripts.... post help in Help & Support, and so on....
MSN/Windows Messenger - This forum is everything Messenger-related except for Messenger Plus! This would include help on MSN error codes, StuffPlug, etc.
Tech Talk is simply anything technology (preferably modern technology). This includes Windows Vista talk, Halo, etc.
General Chit Chat is everything else that you want to talk about (Halloween, Christmas, etc.). The Poll Room sub-forum is for polls only, no talking....
Forum and Website would include anything regarding,, and other subdomains.
Testing and Trashing is the most popular. You can almost do whatever you want here, and wont get in trouble (although you might lose rep because of over-spam).
Most important rule here: NO SPAM except in T&T. Spam is basically your junk mail in your email inbox.
Next most important rule: Post in the right spot. This thread is an example of something in the wrong spot. It should be in Forum and Website...but you dont need to delete this.
This post was edited on 11-11-2006 at 01:09 AM by Nagamasa.
Joined this forum 6862 days, 7 hours, 29 minutes, 5 seconds ago.