Okay, after about an hour and a half of removing WLM (8.1) from my computer, I finally installed it again. The problem being, I have blank display pictures that I can't remove from my display pictures list. So this is what I have done:
1. Uninstall WLM, SP3, MDL, MPL and remove all folders associated with them then rebooted.
2. Removed everything related to messenger in "C:\Documents and Settings\**USERNAME**\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger"
3. Removed all registry keys hoping that would help too (HKCU, and HKLM only)
4. Rebooted
Installed a fresh WLM 8.1 onto my system. And ALL my display pictures, emoticons, winks and everything were still frickin there @_@!!? How's that possible if I removed everything. Am I missing something?
I've done this twice (with the second time involving a reboot after each thing I did, and cleaning with crap cleaner). NOTHING seems to work.
Can anyone help me