I've noticed something else regarding the chat logs and I'm wondering if anyone else had the same problem - when chatting with another person via their Skype account, I receive messages normally, let's call them X, Y and Z. Then when I take a look at the logs, I can only see messages X and Y, and message Z is nowhere to be found. It's not the first time I've noticed that some lines are missing for no apparent reason. Is there a way to fix this?
Also, I've experienced having two folders for the same person for their Skype account. Like, one is pretty much regular, and the other one just has some (not all) messages from a certain date, and it's quite weird because in both of the files I have 29th of January and it's all mixed up. I don't understand why this happens, but I hope you might be able to find out what the issue is and fix it eventually. Thanks in advance
Edit: Another thing. I've just noticed that sometimes full days aren't saved anywhere. I really like this feature of plus, I love your logs, but seriously, what's wrong with it for Skype?
And Skype's history recording sucks on its own. Makes me quite sad I won't be able to go through my logs properly anymore.