Well, yeah, Smethead reminded me of posting a couple of things here.
I haven't worked at all in the last 2 weeks in KSMAS. Why? Improving it makes it much more buggy. So there will be a couple of major considerations:
- Authentification will be again done using a HTML site. This shouldnĄt solve the problems with authentification issues, but at least we would avoid the prompts when someone sets the avatar URL wrongly (happened to me several times).
- No more images here and there, no more permission problems. KSMAS goes MySQL.
- Setup will no longer be all-in-one-wonder script. That has caused too many problems and can't be continued. Instead you will have to unzip all the files to your server and run the configuration script in order to set up some things like the MySQL configuration and a couple of other vital settings.
- I will need all the help I can get, so if you are experienced in PHP and MySQL you can contact me and join the developers.
I can't give you any release date, but I'll try to post any news here, as soon as they exist.
Thanks once again for your support.