I heard that both microsoft and sony r planning to release the new versions of their consoles. So i tried to find their pics and features. This is some of what i found.
Sony - Play Station 3 (P.S 3):- Well i found this pic. It looks more like an aeroplane than anything else. Is this it or is there anything better.
It sayz here that this is ps3 starfigher
* John Anderton doesn't remember hearing this name
Here is another one and this one is a bit more realistic.
Here is their logo. I saw this on gamer tv so i am sure its the correct one.
They were saying that sony's not saying how it exactly looks so its looks r still speculative.
* John Anderton remembers he hasn't seen even the first 2 playstations
* John Anderton hopes his bro sends him a ps 2 (ps 3 if its released) for his upcomming b'day in 7209 days, 18 hours, 58 minutes, 56 seconds ago
This is another one which they were showing on tv as one of the possibilities.
(I'm not sure if u can see that image as when i clicked to see the full pic it said that it does not exist so i have linkedgoogle saerch pic. If u want go to google's image search and type this exactly as is without the quotes to see what pic i was talkin 'bout. Type "
X Box" Or click
Microsoft - X-Box 2:- Well i heard they r thinkin of releasing it before sony to get a head start and capture the market or something of that sort.
I heard on a tv show called 'gamer tv' microsoft r going to release 2 types f xboxes. One with higher resolution and obviously higher price. This show is really reliable and in so many years it has not given any wrong info so i trust that this news is true.
This is the pic of xbox 2 i saw on tv.
Well if u guyz know anything else about these 2 then plz state them below.
Which one's better:- I dunno wanna start a war and plz dont. Just post in the poll and just state
(Plz Dont Fight) why each ones good cause i wanna buy one. I think xbox has got better games and graphics but playstation's have all the ea games and more no. of games that i'd like to play. Also one huge factor is,
X-Box has Halo.
So i'm confused which one to get. Whats the price difference cause i'm not gonna buy it from here but my bro is abroad and he'll bring it here when he comes
One last thing. Dont start a war cause in the end the question remains unanswered or satisfactorily answered.