Originally posted by Purity
WHERE DO I GET IT!! I'm serious, i don't give a shit if i get sued it would be soooooooooooooooooooooooo worth it!
Don't be silly!
Just something to share to all of you.
I just read my school newspaper today, and I found out that there were 20+ students in my school who would get the suits.
The connection is so fast because it has a closed nature of environment, just like LAN connection in your house, except this has a wider range, which is school.
Students think that nobody will have access to get the info who share files and so on.
In my newspaper, the publisher of
i2hub defended themselves that the purpose of this file-sharing program was to share lecture notes, homework assignment, etc., but it was misused to share copyrighted files.
So Pipish, wait 'til at least 4 years to get the connection