My iCock is bigger than yours.
Completely useless idea imo. Sure it may not cost anything extra, but it's still lame.
Now that there are some specs, I can redo this post.
In doing the math, you can fit EIGHTY-SEVEN full-length feature films in 60gb (700mb each). WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?! Even if you took 20gb off for music storage, that's still 58 700MB films.
150 hours of video yet I can only play 3 hours without plugging it back in? Nice. Charging your iPod 50 times to go through all your videos isn't exactly fun.
Another thing: if you were to fill that thing with the 60gb of music, you'd basically lose the functionality of the screen. Who wants to spend 30 minutes scrolling through their iPod trying to find a song.
More math!
60GB = 61440MB. If you figure 1MB/min for an mp3, that's 61440 minutes of music. 1024 hours. 42 2/3 days. Over 6 weeks. YOU DO NOT NEED 6 WEEKS OF MUSIC ON YOUR IPOD.
15000 songs? Figure an average of 3mins/song comes out to 45000mins. 750 hours. 31.25 days. About 4.5 weeks of music. An iPod isn't meant to be used as a portable hard drive, so why so much space?!
Originally posted by lp15
Agreed, could be useful in a plane, when you traveling.
Because we all know how fun watching a movie on a 2x2 [it's actually 1.767767x1.767767] screen (or whatever small amount it is) is.
Originally posted by Jimcando
Bah, all these new features will only help to reduce the battery life more.
Exactly. Nevermind.
Go fork out the disgusting amount of money it takes to buy one of these things if you wish but it's all a waste IMO.