Well, to be honest i agree with Menthix. Your buying a computer that has 3.1ghz 64bit CPU (Fairly Powerful) and 1GB of ram. No matter what you do your going to be bottlenecked by the lack of a dedicated graphics card (which i recommend you make sure your motherboard has PCI-E for upgrading).
You also said you wish to use photoshop, fireworks etc. I can imagine they'd be sped up alot if you had a dedicated graphics card as well
. Graphics cards don't only help games, they help alot of things - eg even in windows having a dedicated graphics card will dramatically speed up how smooth and fast windows are rendered.
Even if you bought a cheaper graphics card you'd still get dramatically increased performance compared to an integrated. Don't forget Vista is coming in the upcoming year and Microsoft recommend for a minimum that everyone has dedicated graphics card to take advantage of the new features of the OS.
So basicially, you can have the fastest CPU and lots of RAM but your computer is limited by its weakest part or the "weakest link" (so to speak). Your Integrated graphics is really going to slow down certain aspects of your comp and if you don't even buy a motherboard that has AGP or PCI then the lifetime of your computer will be decreased substantially.