Originally posted by John Anderton
If you donot have access to the NG's then you are just a wlm user basically (official ... unless you are an illegal user)
If you have access to NG's but didnt know about them, then thats dodgy
i was invited ... im an OFFICIAL user then
ok ... he is online now ...but i removed our share folder and it is runnoing fine
... must be aproblem in there somewhere...somehow!
and as i said, he formatted his PC so there aren't any corrupt files he's trying to share with me, and i've had those files in a share folder for ages, even thoguh he didn't have WLM, so i wouldn't forget when he got WLM {now} so i can't see that there was a corrupt file on my side - and i deleted all the files from the shared folder {and now have removed all share folders!}