Am I the only one who thinks Billy's browser isn't that great?
The Weeeee one made me laugh like hell. Is very simply yet very reconizable because of the brand reconition concept. Though, it is correct that this can't be used as an official ad (because of trademarks and all). It also brings other products down, instead of bringing FF up, which is not a good thing todo for a commercial. In fact it wouldn't be allowed as an ad...
The Billy's browser one "looked" more professional and "TV-like", but isn't that great at all. It seriously lacked a punch line and an end. It isn't orginal, not funny (at least not funny funny, it's just grin-funny) and lacks a good point and a good end (which is all what advertising is about; punch lines). After all his stunts (it indeed started good), it's just a very lame and stupid:
"yeah, then he discovered FF.... the end"... If it wasn't for trademarks and stuff Weeeee would have 50 votes more from me than Billy's Browser...
Home Alone is waaaaaaaay better than Billy's browser. It builds up as a true commercial and has a very strong and clear end. (although it only focusses on one aspect of the browser which may not appeal to everyone or isn't most importantly to everyone; especially considering that a browser is used mostly by 'children', not parents).
my 1 cent
EDIT: re-editing this page and I just realize that I clearly remember home alone's end and the "shut-up...pooof" of the Weeee. Can't even remember how the Billy's browser ended... (even when I watched it less than 5 minutes ago).
EDIT2: viewed them all... My vote would go to Sunday Morning. Maybe be a bit 'dry' or 'classic' for some, but it is the only one with everything in it which a true commerical needs. Can air immediatly...
(PS: funniest one still stays Weeee, but I don't consider it a commercial)