some suggestions:
Not say in which language the phrase is, 'cause that mostly wipes away the coolness of posting 'in foreign'. Or it could be set as a configurable option.
2. Add the
ability to select in which language one wants the message/phrase to be sent. So, it could be used to greet our foreign friends in their native tongue, even when we don't speak a word of it.
3. As for some other things to include translations of, I'd suggest:
Thank you!
You're welcome.
How are you?/How do you do?
ASL (Age/sex/location) (or replace it with separate phrases like 'Where do you live?', How old are you? and Are you male or female?).
If you decided to include them (or others), I could help providing the translations for as many languages as I can find. Just mail me to
pfc432 at gmail dot com (I'd be pleased to help with an extension like this, because I love languages