I'm not looking forward to complaining about the fact Patchou put a sponsor program to get a little benefit out of MP!, but I think the program he has chosen isn't very good, it has lots of what I'd call "Internet trash". Many of its parts have hidden tehmselves and as the compaņero jpg050 just says, it uninstalls defficiently.
So, I consider a great idea to put some sponsors on MP! I'd even install them, but, in my opinion, they should be cleaner.
Another thought I've had is that on could choose which pieces of sponsor-software on wants to be installed, like other programs do. That would give much more control to the users wanting to help and encourage Patchou to go on with MP!, installing crap stuff just as far as they'd want to.
And in response to the complaint of putting the option "I agree" as deafult, I'd suggest not to put anyone of both as default, and if none chosen, an alert would ask the user to choose between installing or not. I think this would be the most "legal way" to solve it... I don't know if anyone posted this before, cuz I haven't read everything on this thread.
And I can't keep from congratulating Patchou for his great work.
KeyStorm.NET (from the Catalan Translation Group)