To all those saying "oh man White goes good with black, I don't really care"
Of course people should not care that much but
it's just the freaking situation that pisses people off.
If someone orders a BLACK Xbox 360. Then one would assume that any parts he'd get back by replacement or repair would be black!. People don't seem to care about mistakes anymore and just go with it. Jews notice these things. (I mean we do run the movie industry after all, we HAVE to notice small things
Plus, I've gotten 2 Free Play and Charge Kits from Microsoft before (being a jew obviously helps
I've had a similar thing happen, yet it was with my phone company (lol Patchou this is the story I wanted to tell you)
I ordered 50+50/1000WD+Unlimited Incoming. 25$/month
Now for the first 3 months of my phone bill I got a "ChatNSend Bonus" meaning I got Free Local Calling and Free Text Messaging.
Now on my bills for the first 3 months it showed 150/1000WD 25$/month.
Now there was multiple things wrong with that.
1. 150Minutes, I'm not complaining that I got 50minutes Extra
2. Where's my Unlimited Incoming?!
Anyways, I assumed my bill was like that because of the "ChatNSend Bonus". Hence why I called only after the 3months we're up.
So now (around 3weeks ago) I called Rogers and explained what happened.
I said my Plan on my Bill was not the same of my Proof Of Purchase (order summary paper that came with the phone in the mail).
She then started babbling on about why did I wait 3months.
I kept on trying to explain I thought it was because of the ChatNSend Bonus. Yet she kept saying "Well if you want Unlimited Incoming it'll be 10$ more"
So obviously I was pissed, she did not seem to understand what I was explaining
Me: Excuse me Mrs, but I do not think you understand what I am trying to say. My Proof of Purchase, the paper that came with my phone. Shows the plan I ordered. Yet the plan on my phone bills are different.
*once again she brings back....*
Her: Once again sir, why did you wait 3months? I'm sure you would have noticed at the beginning.
Me: Mrs, you're not understanding. You know when you order a 3year contract you get a ChatNSend Bonus (Unlimited Local and Unlimited Text) for 3months?
Her: Yes.
Me: Well, that is why I assumed my bill was like that.
Her: So you are telling me you want to pay the same price
(*25$*) for less minutes?
*This new WRONG plan had 50more minutes (150), yet it had no Unlimited Incoming*
Me: No......I want the plan I ordered....
Her: Well Unlimited Incoming is 10$ more.
Me: Ok this is getting very aggravating, My plan I ordered is this exact thing, as I quote from my Proof of Purchase "50+50/1000 Evenings and Weekends 9PM +
Unlimited Incoming" so I'm telling you....
*she interrupts me*
Her: Nothing is wrong, your plan is correct!
Me: Don't cut me off, you're the one who is at fault here.
Anyways, she started being rude and being a douche (
) and it kept going back and forth even though I am the one who is right. The plan I ordered is different from the plan I got.
After a while I responded with
Me: Can I speak to someone else please?
She Hung up on me. (What a nagface
So I call back Rogers. And this nice old lady answers (either that or this person deserves to be a grandma
I explain to her the previous person who was helping me was being very rude and did not want to listen to what I had to say.
She then said that
ROGERS must have set the wrong plan while configuring my account along with apologizing about the previous person "helping" me.
Along with fixing that up (the "new" old plan will become into effect next billing cycle)
Your new price plan will be effective on: 12/31/2007
So anyways, I should be getting my new Bill along with my "new" plan showing up correctly.
Althought because of this crap I'm going to have to call again and complain once more.
Because this month I've had plenty of Incoming Calls (way over 100minutes. And since this month I've had no unlimited incoming I'm obviously going to be charged a heck of a lot extra on this months bill.
And since I was SUPPOSED to have Unlimited Incoming calls. I'm going to call Rogers and ask them to credit me (and obviously give me a little present for my troubles
, because thats how jews do it).
Now my little ranty thing may not have been as long as Patchous. But atleast mine is more jewish. And professional (like I said, it's probably Patchous fault because nobody can understand his french "tauking" and "speeking" <3)
PS: Heheheh, I totally made a line break by using