I've been putting off this post for about a week now. I need your help (Those of you who live in the U.K.). In two months I have to have a 2,500 word research paper on any English (Not English the language, but the country) related topic. I've decided that I'll do a haunted castle, more so a very historic haunted castle.
Now, for the good stuff. I have to ask a specific question about my subject, in my case the castle. My question would be: Why is it a historic castle? I have to have the following:
- When the castle was built
- Who, exactly, lived in the castle
- Sources for people who've visited the castle
- A few other things that I can find when I begin my research
I'm not asking you to do this research for me, but to help me start out by giving me some historic castle names in the U.K.