I realise that site rules say that I cannot advertise individual sites but I'm hoping this will be an exception.
Back in the day, skinners had a website where they can congregate, discuss their skins, collaborate on new ideas and so on.
This was called Shady's Skinning... which was subsequently renamed to Messenger-Skins.
This place was the meeting grounds for several skinners today. This is also happens to be one of the places that I first got introduced to skinning. Through this site I was introduced to Rolando, theunknown, Fizical and the likes, all of whom since then started their own websites. I too started my own website with someone known as TheDon and we named it Mad-Skinning which I eventually gave up since I didn't have time either.
Anyway, I have said all of this because until now, there has been a void to fill with regards to a community that is solely dedicated to customization and skinning exclusively, that is after messenger-skins' demise.
Willz, shayne and I have been working very hard for the last 3 months, on something that has been in the planning stages for the last year or so...
http://DesignEvolved.net is the outcome of this work,
I hope that it can fill the big gap left behind by messenger-skins, messengerlab and my very own mad-skinning.
and I hope to see many of you who post on here, over there
P.S. I promised Willz that I'd launch this on, or before his birthday, and well... It's still the 27'th here, so I'm keeping my promise.
Happy Birthday Willz, and to Cyril too