Hey admins... just wondering about the rules a tiny bit... I've just looked at them and seen that they're a bit stupid in places...
Spam: Any post that is off-topic or contributes nothing useful or interesting to a discussion is considered to be spam. Most spam posts will be moved or deleted. Spam includes posts that:
- only contain emoticons.
- only contain a short message, such as "LOL" or "hello."
- are posted more than once.
The one-emoticon messages, although sometimes pointless, seem to be useful at times, e.g. '
' for your appreciation for a joke... and even the admins/mods do this.
"Short messages", such as 'Hi!' or "Hello." are practically all you can do in 'introduce yourself' or 'new member' threads...
Messages posted more than once, would you believe, I can argue too! My computer, and indubitably others too, sometimes post messages twice, or if I think my computer didn't recognise the click (which often happens) and really the status bar's just frozen, I wait a bit and click it again, and it posts twice. It has happened - not often, but it's happened.
Text Style: Posts should be typed so that others can understand them. Use of ALL CAPITALS, aLtErNaTe capitalization, abbreviations, or misspelled words is discouraged.
Abbreviations? Misspelled words? Come on! Most of us (and you) can't spell anyway!
Subjects: The subject line of a thread should be descriptive, not something like "I need help." If a certain subject has already been discussed, making a new thread about it is discouraged. Please browse or search the forums before posting a thread.
Doesn't it seem like these are the ones that get the most views? I'm not saying it's a bad rule, but still, it's pretty useless since they're the most often posted and viewed.
Respect: Members should respect others, and avoid making derogatory comments or giving rude treatment (flaming, for example). Also respect the privacy of others, and don't share their personal information without permission.
Such as those people merely asking 'what's so great about Messenger Plus'? There have been a few and it seems like my post is the only one not insulting them or assuming they're mad or something... and I have OCCASIONALLY noticed one or two of the admins/mods doing just that...
Avatars & Signatures: Images that have large dimensions or file sizes are not allowed. The rules for posts apply to avatars/signatures as well.
Large dimensions compared to what? I personally use 640x480 (yes, laugh, I don't care, my computer's stuck in it
) and so some signatures take up nearly a whole screen (e.g. Muss's) and some avatars are just as bad, because a huge avatar means the whole left panel is that size.
Sorry I couldn't follow these up with examples... I just happened to notice it now.
(And in case you didn't realise... some are saying the rules are stupid, but some are just saying how they're never obeyed.)