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Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
I would like to post my personal opinion about this, as I started trying WLM 9 just now....
Well... i used to use the BRB and Lunch statuses (and some of my contacts too)... And now, they're missing in some cases. And I really doubt MS will bring then back....

On the other hand, with Plus! you can make all the status you want: For example.... why only "Out to Lunch" ?? I've made an "Out to Dinner" too.... But you can make lots of other ones...

Today I discoved that Animated GIFS are suported.... Me and I think that all the world too were waiting for this for a loooong time...

So, in conclusion, I think some people will miss the "basic" status, but with this new version we earned new stuff (life the GIFS and possibility to add a Scenario (I don't know if it's called like that in english, I've made a direct translation from Portuguese)) and the ability to make Groups..... and other things that I probably didn't mensioned or stilll din't see it .
02-14-2009 03:13 PM
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
I dont get it :|:|:|
03-09-2009 04:46 PM
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
I find the suggestion far from stupid.

There was no _real_ reason to remove those statusses in the new WLM. Simplicity? maybe, but as with many things, if you personally don't have a use for it then don't use it. Many other people shouldn't be 'punished' for something which 'the majority' doesn't use that much. In fact, there would be a whole bunch of other stuff which is not used much by the majority which could have been removed. And gaining a few new things in its place (like animated display pictures) shouldn't be a reason either. It also didn't block any further development for other stuff either. So in the end, no, no reason to remove it.

It is correct that not _everybody_ had a use for those extra statusses, but that does not mean _nobody_ had a use for it!!! This is also not somethng which can be explained by 'changes happen' and/or 'keeping up with the future'. This is plain and simple removing of features without any real reason, imho.

I use( d) BRB all the time! And find that there is a BIG difference between BRB and the standard AWAY. Hence, I would very much like to see at least the BRB status coming back.

Thank god for Plus! being there which fills this status-gap a bit...

As for his petition. Only having 17 or so people who have signed that petition does not mean that there aren't any people who want it back, blessedguy. It simply means that the site where this petition is found, hasn't been visited too much and isn't very well known. EDIT: Going from 17 sigs to almost twice that much in like 30 minutes after this thread has been brought back to the latest posts page, proofs this point also...

This post was edited on 03-10-2009 at 10:36 PM by CookieRevised.
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03-10-2009 09:50 PM
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
I also have only Idle,Busy,Available and Away, and i dont know why!?
03-10-2009 09:54 PM
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RE: RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
Originally posted by dimitrije2212
I also have only Idle,Busy,Available and Away, and i dont know why!?

That's because these are the only statuses available on WLM 2009.

Be Right Back, Out To Lunch and In A Call have been removed and the original poster was posting a petition to get them re-included and wanted the forum members to sign in support
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03-10-2009 10:09 PM
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
Brb to me is the only one [of the 3] I care about.

To me, it means, "keep on talking, I'll be back in a sec." This would imply I'm not being rude for not reply, but then let people know that "I'm here".

The other two actually do mean Away and Busy, but brb doesn't quite mean you're away.

There is in fact quite an argument here :)
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03-26-2009 03:10 AM
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
Originally posted by MrTaco

Away means they're still signed in, but not around. Might not even be in the house. Could be gone for hours. Brb, they're still around. Might be going to the toilet, off to check something elsewhere in the house. Even doing something else, could have intermittent returns to the computer.

So again when you are at the toilet, somewhere else in the house, etc that is not away? You are not away from your computer?

Away could be BRB
and BRB means away.

Originally posted by MrTaco

I guess Out to Lunch is similar enough to BRB to disappear. Also implies a relatively short absence

You make your food in a "relatively short absence"? Must taste real shitty because good food takes time to prepare, elaborate, cook and serve.

When you are Out to Lunch you are Away
and when you are Away it could be that you are Out to Lunch

Originally posted by MrTaco

On the phone, again that's different. That means you've got someone pulling you away from the computer to talk to you, and you generally won't be able to say anything til you get back from it.

In the year 2009, we have a device called a cell phone. Usually people that want to contact me directly call me on this device. It is wireless so I can be Away on my toilet talking to someone, Away in my kitchen cooking dinner talking to someone, Away in the yard moving the lawn talking, hell even Away or Busy on my PC talking to someone.

Or are you one of those people that women are right about: Can't do more than one thing at once?

Originally posted by MrTaco

The fact of the matter is, some people use the status to let people know what they're doing

And you really think people give a shit what you are doing? They look if you are Away or Busy to talk to you (hell there are people that are Busy/Away 365 days a year.)

Originally posted by MrTaco

But then, what would I know. I'm still using 7.0 :P

Exactly. Who the hell uses 7.0? And if its because WLM is bloated (I laugh everytime I hear that)
- Use A-Patch
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Originally posted by James Potter
As far as I am concerned, there is no possible way to add options/features to the actual Messenger client. In this case, the statuses and their functions. (CookieRevised could help elabourate further on this subject...)
As to the rest of the whole arguement. Give up. There is no work-around for it except for Plus!'s custom statuses. We cannot do a "script" or an "add-on" or an application that would add these options back. However, what can be done is for Plus! to add the missing statuses (as personalised statuses, of course...) to the status-list by default. However, I doubt that this would happen now. It might happen at a later time, though. If Patchou finds it useful, of course.

This is not about the client. Its about the protocol.
And yes, Plus! could send the status signals but (again) WLM9 could not understand them unless Plus! was also installed (eg. it would require Plus! on both ends to work).

Originally posted by CookieRevised
I find the suggestion far from stupid.

There was no _real_ reason to remove those statusses in the new WLM. Simplicity? maybe, but as with many things, if you personally don't have a use for it then don't use it. Many other people shouldn't be 'punished' for something which 'the majority' doesn't use that much. In fact, there would be a whole bunch of other stuff which is not used much by the majority which could have been removed. And gaining a few new things in its place (like animated display pictures) shouldn't be a reason either. It also didn't block any further development for other stuff either. So in the end, no, no reason to remove it.

It is correct that not _everybody_ had a use for those extra statusses, but that does not mean _nobody_ had a use for it!!! This is also not somethng which can be explained by 'changes happen' and/or 'keeping up with the future'. This is plain and simple removing of features without any real reason, imho.

I use( d) BRB all the time! And find that there is a BIG difference between BRB and the standard AWAY. Hence, I would very much like to see at least the BRB status coming back.

Thank god for Plus! being there which fills this status-gap a bit...

As for his petition. Only having 17 or so people who have signed that petition does not mean that there aren't any people who want it back, blessedguy. It simply means that the site where this petition is found, hasn't been visited too much and isn't very well known. EDIT: Going from 17 sigs to almost twice that much in like 30 minutes after this thread has been brought back to the latest posts page, proofs this point also...
And here comes the Cookie out the cookie jar (why havent I made that joke against Cookie is beyond me :P)

This isnt a punishment...It is simplifing things. Why have 3 cables when with 2 you can do the exact same thing?

And again I fail to see the difference between BRB and Away.
Away - Im not at my computer. I can come back in 10 seconds or  10 hours.
BRB - Im not at my computer. Ill come back.

People used BRB as Away. You can honestly tell me that you havent seen one person as BRB for more than 5 minutes? People use BRB to get out of their house, get in their car, drive to their local store, pick up some milk and go back to their house. That is not BRB. Very few people actually truely use BRB to its meaning. Using BRB (which again you can use Away because you are Away) would be taking a piss with a bathroom that is at most 10-15 steps from you and coming back without getting sidetracked with something on TV.

This post was edited on 03-27-2009 at 08:20 PM by riahc4.
03-27-2009 08:18 PM
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
Originally posted by riahc4
This isnt a punishment...It is simplifing things. Why have 3 cables when with 2 you can do the exact same thing?
There is also something like simplyfying things too much.

The analogy with the cables has one big flaw: those 'extra' statussus (and especially BRB) weren't laying in the way of anybody or anything to trip over.

Originally posted by riahc4
People used BRB as Away. You can honestly tell me that you havent seen one person as BRB for more than 5 minutes? People use BRB to get out of their house, get in their car, drive to their local store, pick up some milk and go back to their house. That is not BRB.
BRB does not mean "back in 5", it means "back in a short period of time". What that timeframe is can be different from person to person.

But does that mean BRB should be removed all together because some people use it for a timeframe of 1 hour? That still could mean BRB for all I care.

If so the argument is that some people don't use it as you understand it, then the very same thing can be said about busy*, idle, away, appear offline... Scratch them all, make it online/offline and be done with it because simplyfying is good... Simple (pun and irony intended).

Yes, there is a major difference between BRB and AWY. Maybe not for you then, but it is for a hell of a lot of people who don't deserve to be 'punished' (for the lack of a better word) for others.

* Especially for busy, because to quote** you "or are you one of those people that women are right about: Can't do more than one thing at once"?

** and insulting someone at the same time with such an argument. Which is really uncalled for.

Originally posted by riahc4
Very few people actually truely use BRB to its meaning.
I beg to differ. And those shouldn't be punished because some might not use it for what it means. Again, scratch all other statusses too then, same thing then...


Nothing can change my feeling that at least BRB should be brought back and that there was absolutely no valid reason whatsoever in the world to remove it. On the contrary the more I think about it the stronger I feel it must be brought back.
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03-27-2009 11:20 PM
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
Originally posted by CookieRevised

The analogy with the cables has one big flaw: those 'extra' statussus (and especially BRB) weren't laying in the way of anybody or anything to trip over.

They were in the way of someone having to choose between BRB and Away. Away is the simple choice. BRB makes you think if you truely will be right back.

Originally posted by CookieRevised

BRB does not mean "back in 5", it means "back in a short period of time". What that timeframe is can be different from person to person.

But does that mean BRB should be removed all together because some people use it for a timeframe of 1 hour? That still could mean BRB for all I care.

...did you just say that Be Right Back is included in a timeframe of one hour? What are you sniffing Cookie? You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Be Right Back - The expression means that Ill be back in a relatively short period of time which (in this case) you can wait. You think it would be correct to wait for someone for a entire hour?

Away - The word means that you are not at the location. You have no idea when you will be back so it is better than you not wait but in case you do, I may be back in a relatively short period of time but do not count on it.

Cookie when you said that a timeframe of a hour is BRB you killed your entire argument.

Originally posted by CookieRevised

If so the argument is that some people don't use it as you understand it, then the very same thing can be said about busy*, idle, away, appear offline... Scratch them all, make it online/offline and be done with it because simplyfying is good... Simple (pun and irony intended).

You seem not to be able to understand the words of modern day english. No problem I will explain them to you.

Busy - You are occupied with something (in this case) other than WLM. You may or may not be Away but are simply Busy. You may or may not get a reply if you talk to the person
Idle (which is not a official WLM status but oh well) - You have not touched WLM/PC. You are either dead, as in the permanent termination of the biological functions that define a living organism (source: wikipedia) or are Away from your computer but you have not stated that you are Away from your computer simply you have not touched it. To receive a reply, the contact must not be Idle (there are exceptions using scripts...)
Appear Offline - You don't want people seeing you online. You never know when someone is Appear Offline unless they talk to you and even then you don't know (afterwards) if they are Appear Offline or have gone Offline.

Originally posted by CookieRevised

Yes, there is a major difference between BRB and AWY. Maybe not for you then, but it is for a hell of a lot of people who don't deserve to be 'punished' (for the lack of a better word) for others.

I believe (correct me if Im wrong) that I never said there isnt.

Be Right Back: You are Away and will be back in a relatively short period of time.
Away: You are Away and may or may not be back in a relatively short period of time .

See the difference? But guess what? They are BOTH Away but they are NOT BOTH Be Right Back

Originally posted by CookieRevised

I beg to differ. And those shouldn't be punished because some might not use it for what it means. Again, scratch all other statusses too then, same thing then...

Punished? Some of you need to get off your period with this.
I dont see how you fail to understand that Be Right Back means that you are Away. Like someone said, if you really feel the need in your body to Be Right Back use /brb or Personalized Statuses. But remember that using /brb, only <9.0 will see it as BRB.

Originally posted by CookieRevised

Nothing can change my feeling that at least BRB should be brought back and that there was absolutely no valid reason whatsoever in the world to remove it. On the contrary the more I think about it the stronger I feel it must be brought back.
You go girl. 8-)
03-28-2009 03:17 PM
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RE: Get back the statuses which were removed from WLM 2009!
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Scratch them all, make it online/offline and be done with it because simplyfying is good... Simple (pun and irony intended).
Even better! (not being ironic though) That would make PSM much useful than today *-*
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03-28-2009 04:16 PM
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