O.P. Stickies for beta/released plugins Suggestion for Mods
I have a suggestion for the forum administrator of Plugins subforum
ok the forum is being used for noting releases of new plugins, beta plugins, and requests for plugins....
Many requests imho wouldn't be made if pple searched a bit, but what to search? when there is a no good description of the beta plugin...
So i'd suggest that the admin would make all plugins (beta, released) into a sticky so that they are always on top, therefor people would always see it and also help the developers, by having more people test their plugins for bugs etc etc...
Some plugins i have in mind are (i dont use many plugins my self)
-Window Manager
-Screenshot Sender 3 Beta
-Who Sent It
... etc
that are still in beta phase...
Or you could always make a subforum in order to separate requests, beta, released plugins (not a good idea imho, more admin work to separete posts etc..)
Thanks for considering
Window Manager is discontinued, for WLM try the new,
Enhancer for contact list docking, auto-hide, hide taskbar button, remove button flashing and remember keyboard layout in conversation windows