O.P. Upgrading to MSN live! feels like downgrading
I just switched to MSN Messenger Live!, and it feels like a downgrade because I'm missing the features I liked best in the previous MSN Messenger.
* Big avatars in the contactlist
* (Away), (Busy), etc. Behind someone's username
* Docking
I can't seem to add these options with the Msg+ plugin either?
I replaced the green msn-icons in front of my contacts with small avatars with the 'mess.be patch' (why did they remove this option anyway?), and now I can't see if people are away or busy, unless I hover over them with my mouse to see their full info (email addy etc)
Am I just missing some options-menu or are these options just not available?
Lots of love for the Msg+ plugin though!
Hope someone can help me.