O.P. [Help] Conversation Window
As any users/viewers of my skin will know, on the conversation window I have a picture which is placed between the two display pictures.
As it stands this is achieved by having an image aligned to the bottom right of the window, with appropriate space left at the bottom to incorporate the contact's display picture.
Although it's not ideal, it functions
While the conversation window remains in its normal state this is okay, but if you play a game with a contact, obviously the game part of the contact list opens up and the picture remains aligned to the bottom right of the screen, being hidden behind the game as the display pictures shift over to be more in the middle of the screen.
What I was wondering is if there was a way to align the picture in the same way that display pictures are aligned.......such that it will shift over when the display pictures do and always remain between them.
If not then it's just a limitation of the skin, which will never occur anything more than temporarily, but I thought i'd ask.