O.P. Clean re-install but save custom smileys/sounds?
I was wondering what file(s) the custom sounds data and custom smileys are stored in. My messenger constantly disconnects and its beginning to become very frustrating for both me and my contacts.
I tried uninstalling Plus and Messenger and reinstalling, but I didn't want to lose my hundreds of "emotion sounds" and "emoticons" so I selected to save those settings for a future installation (an option while uninstalling Plus).
After uninstalling and reinstalling both programs, I am still experiencing this error.
What I would like to do is uninstall and reinstall everything cleanly then see if I am still having the disconnect problem. If removing the settings fixes it, then I'll just have to re-customize it. But I would rather not lose all my settings if this is not the cause of my problem.
So I need to know where Plus keeps the settings so I can do a clean uninstall then copy the file back in later manually. Anyone know?