XML code:
<Element Class="PSMIcon" LayoutPos=left Margin=Rect(0,0,2,0) Content=rcimg("msgr",621) ContentAlign=topleft AddBehavior=DUI::Glow(rcint("msgr",9007),rcfloat("msgr",9008),rcclr("msgr",9009),rcclr("msgr",9010))/>
is used instead of
XML code:
<Element Class="PSMIcon" LayoutPos=left Margin=Rect(0,0,2,0) Content=rcimg("msgr",621) ContentAlign=topleft/>
(Line 106 of 1002 definition)
a strange symbol, I guess it's chinese, appears in the standart icon (in this specific line, it will be in the "without-pic" layout, and won't appear in the favorites section). Anybody knows why?