Well Patchou has announced a while ago that he has gained control again (sort of speak) and has mentioned a few times Messenger Plus! Live 5. Since we, the community, have a voice again, Id like to see what Plus! members would like in MP!L 5.
Here is my personal list
- Alot more additions to the Plus! Live scripting API
- A rewritten Plus! Chat Log
- Aliases (example: If you want /away to be /awayinyourlanguagehere. I know it is possible with Quick Texts and possibily a script but...)
- Remove some old commands (example: Only away and busy are now statuses so things like /brb should be removed)
- Remove Contact List Clean-up (until Microsoft fixes this I think it should be removed to stop confusing people)
- Enable thumbnail preview in Vista/7 for tabbed chats (each tabbed chat appears in its own thumnail like IE)
- Fix the OK/Apply button "problem"
- Add new and more complex commands
/maximize would maximize your window.
/nextchat would go to the next chat window that you opened.
/nexttab would go to the next tab in the window.
/tab 4 would go to the forth tab in the window.
/tab 4 "Im talking to someone right now" would send to the forth tab a message saying "Im talking to someone right now" without actually going to that tab and just staying on the current tab.
Also something more complex.
A example in Visual Studio, when you put (example) msgbox( , it will display the parameter which is I belive string. Well we can do something similar and instresting here:
/ shows all the commands (this is standard)
/sendmsg and a space would open a small list of for example different contacts to send a message to. Once you type out/select the contact another small tooltip would show saying you have to enter text maybe even auto inserting a " to start off
/tab and a space would open a list with the tabs opened/avaliable, their number and the contacts email/name.
With this we have a sort of just move around with the keyboard instead of having to use your mouse. Some of the commands are for power users while others might be useless but more commands (the more the better) would be great)
- (Added 2:06 AM GMT +1 3/11/2010)
More BBCode/forum tags. Things like:
[youtube=videolink][/youtube] (This one seems hard but if Winks are flashed based, why not directly just display a YouTube video in the conversation?)
[code=C][/code] (This one would be awesome for programmers
[quote ] [ / quote]
Again, some are useless (such as quote) but hey, they are there.
Also, I might be missing something logic here
, but why arent IRC and BBCode allows at the same time?
- (Added 4:44 AM GMT +1 3/11/2010)
64-bit version
I actually got this from Patchou's "create the architecture" below although right now, it is pointless. If Microsoft decides to one day release a 64 bit version of Windows Live Messenger, then Plus! should also go the 64 bit route. I understand that programs such as WLM and MP!L dont need 64 bit but I think the next version OS from Microsoft (this is a personal opinion) which currently is on Microsoft's roadmap is codenamed "Windows 8" should be 64 bit only to further the transition to 64 bit. Im kind of going OT here but the builds currently from MS on the codenamed "Windows 8" OS are only 64 bit so it seems to be that way. Well this suggestion has gotten way offtopic
If anyone has anything else to add or modify some of my suggestions, post them. You might have a great idea