Originally posted by Choli
Originally posted by Apatik
it's proving quite difficult to maintain an up-to-date, accurate changelog for a language file that's almost constantly evolving,
Actually that's not true. It's very easy to compare both files and give the translators the differences between them. As I said somewhere else, it took me only 5 minutes to code a little Perl script that shows the changed, added and removed sections and keys.
Maybe Apatik meant it more as in keeping track of what strings/keys are used in the software itself and which ones not (anymore), instead of what string/keys are present in the language file.
Though, for stuff like that I guess one could write a tool too which scans the source for the actual used variables/resources and store that list. Then it would indeed be a piece of cake to simply compare that list with the one from a previous build and create a language change log from that comparison to give to the translators....