What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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Knowledge sharing - replies
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RE: Knowledge sharing - replies
org. posted by Doggie
if anything, the thread was making a joke...
I don't get the fun of it... maybe you can show us where it is.

Originally posted by doggie
i agree his obviously has good programming skills and a good program.. so wat?
That's the question. If he has good programming skills and a good program, why do so many people at MsnFanatic and now here say that he copycatted everybody else and he monopolises the market unfairly? Personally, I've read your replies in the original thread and you, Doggie, are at least an intelligent person (unluckily not every other participant in the conversation has the same privilege) and you seem to be a nice guy.
i never said that i didnt think these.. if u call this a community, call me when the 10 - 12 yr olds leave the board :)

Judging a community because simply a group of people don't agree with your point is completely stupid (should I *bip* that?).
call me when the 10 - 12 yr olds leave the board :)
Better yet, when they turn 13. :rolleyes:

Yes u can choose to install or not install but the fact is theres better ways of making money and he knows that.
Really? I don't think HE does. Which solution?

in its current state all it does is replace every other msn bot ever made
:shocked: Sony made a TV, and bigger than the Samsung one... with sharper image... isn't that what we hate? copycats? Why doesn't Sony give the specifications of their TV to Samsung so that everybody is happy and Samsung's people doesn't have to do anything but still gets recognition for something they didn't make? Great idea!

and patchou blindly chucks this thing in with Yes as the default option, taking advantage of all the computer illiterate noobs out there
Good news for you. Plus! hasn't had a default Yes for about two months now. Just another sign of how you people know plus.

i agree with kaos, plus is only the same progz just with a better look  i only use plus to get the Winamp Active Song
Thanks for the thing about the better look, I'll take it as a compliment. However, Plus! before the graphical makeup was still a great program, and was already used for more than 4 million people everyday. Why didn't those people choose "the other progz"? Because Plus was, and is, better. Oh, there's even an "Advanced Messenger Plus" with half the features of Plus being sold by some company out there. And people still complain that Patchou steals features... c'mon.
i only use plus to get the Winamp Active Song
Funnily, that was exactly done by ANOTHER programmer who got advantage of Patchou's generosity by creating the plugins API for Msgplus. Modules, as you prefer to call it.

ahh i stated my point peebrain .. i am not badgering him at all.. just seems funny how it goes so quiet.. yes he is probably a busy man but if u were indeed serious about it, u'd hear a lot more than wat we have.. so wipey, keep the different thoughts to urself thank u  working for mickeysoft? bah, then we'll see "Messenger Plus! Education, Pro, Server editions"
Doggie, that doesn't seem the same attitude than when you wanted your opinion to be respected:
i am infact having my opinion

(its only a patch not a full program whats with the huge size?)
Martrinex, i have some news for you. Patches don't have 100,000 lines of code. Full programs do. Patches don't have a graphic designer doing additional work for the software for every new feature added. Just minor changes? Do you actually read the changelog?

Doggie, again :P... you are a bit contradictory:
i am infact having my opinion and i dont have an issue personally with him..
well.. just shows how much of a pussy the man is..
How nice from a real-community-member-non-12-year-old-mature-person.

yeah i agree with whoever said he posted to try to get respect and didnt get it so he's not going to release anything, i could be wrong but how hes keeps up with this "ok i still cant decide, please post the same thing everyones been saying over and over" bullsh*t which makes me thinks hes just leading us on to beleive he was going to but we didnt convince him what to do and never planned on it. 
He answered you about 5 times:
omg... good thing someone just sent me the link to this thread. I'm not spending all my time checking this forum you know. What the hell is going on with you people? I posted my thread about code-sharing to get your opinion and in all the pages of replies there was always people saying that I should release tutorials and people saying that I should release a dll. In both cases, I would have made half of the community unhappy and that's why I was continuing to check the thread for eventual compromises or new ideas.

I took 45 minutes writing this reply.

I wouldn't be here if this wasn't a community.


(i hope someone reads my post because if not :wall:)

Oh, msnfanatic, merry christmas and a happy new year. :bananaxmas:

This post was edited on 12-17-2003 at 01:55 AM by Guido.
12-17-2003 01:54 AM
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