Originally posted by CookieRevised
If this isn't added, the user is forced to look at every key to see if it is translated, this makes that the language file is checked in detail (which is a must I think) and less "hasty" mistakes are being made...
I think I'll leave it as it's now
You're right, it's less confusing
Originally posted by CookieRevised
you don't need to rely on the ini-api's for that. Much faster and more reliable would be:
i know, but my program uses apis that's why i should open the file myself and do the code you posted. As I don't open nor read the file myself, the option to remove comments is too much work for now
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Related to this... Maybe this could be made into a seperate program (or if Choli has the time in his own program) together with a routine where all the topics and keys are sorted like the DefaultLg.dat. This makes comparing languages files with the original english one very easy in other programs. (because most linecomparing programs are only good at resyncronizing at a certain level). Also, double blank lines can be deleted, a blank line could be added before topics, blank lines between keys can be deleted, etc...
a separate program to "clean" and tidy the files would be great... maybe i'll do it
mmm.... btw,
Originally posted by CookieRevised
stripleadingspaces(textline)) = ";"
related to that: if a line begins with spaces and after the spaces there's a ";", is the line a comment or isn't it?