Originally posted by king_of_cool_kids
ok, well, is it possible though??
This is how it would work:
a) During install, it would ask for a name for the toolbar. This will be the name at the start of the toolbar.
b) next it would ask for the root directory eg: http://www.site.com/Forum/
c) next it would ask if you want to add any more, selecting yes will bring up the prevous two steps
d) It will finilise everthign and it do all the other things needed.
e) To change site, from a drop down menu on the right of the toolbar, select the name of the site (which is made during install) and click {Change...}, then it will ask you to close and reopen Ie for the setting to take effect. When it does, the new toolbar for the site is ready.
I think its posible If it is can you make it please??
Also, to go even futher, the ability to customise where the links are and to upload you own image
Possible but to much coding for the moment.
Going to bed at the moment, will redo the shoutbox code tomorrow to open in a new window. Also has no one noticed the Alt+{etc} keys dont work on it! - will look at that as well tomorrow