Originally posted by Twan
when the time is there Patchou will have his version 4 of msgplus
I doubt it, there's usually about a year and a half between versions of Plus! the same as MSN Messenger (a very rough guide that can never be held completely as true). I think Messenger Plus! 4 will come out about late 2005 to sometime in 2006 not when MSN Messenger 7 is out (it feels weird to talk about unreleased version numbers like that lol)...I don't like to gossip about new releases of MSN Messenger at this early stage but I doubt it'll be much of an upgrade, however the most we know so far is that there'll be some new status icon's and the possible thumbnail in the main messenger window of your display picture...I hope for more news to creep out soon...and a less blurry screenshot would also be appreciated...