Originally posted by CookieRevised
flame MS
I wish they would just flame MSN Themselves with all the things that they think were in supposed to be in MSN Messenger and aren't, no point telling us, some M$ guy would probably have a laugh reading all the comments...
Originally posted by kingboy
i hope Patch' will still be able to remove the ad, and hopefully the search bar.
That's if Messenger Plus! can still hook in with MSN Messenger 7, we had a scare that it would be the end of Plus! with MSN Messenger 6...But I'm sure that if Messenger Plus! is still compatible by then, Patchou will find a way to disable any ad bar and possibly a search bar, if there is a search bar...However at this point we do not know anything about the search bar, if it even does exist, and it may be optional...Let's just keep it to speculation, we don't want any untrue stuff information about a possible version 7 to rise from this forum...