O.P. Where are they saved?
Alright, I decided to format my harddrive and instal a clean copy of xp, my computer is a mess and it is slow as hell, if you remember the topic i made about it then you will know what I'm talking about, my computer is a mess while it shouldn't be... it's slow while nothing is slowing it down.... anyways!
Before i can format i need to know if i can backup certain things, I'll just list them here and if you know where any of them are saved just tell me!
Windows Media Player - Media Library
FireFox - Bookmarks (edit: kinda found it but not sure... need confirmation)
Stardock BootSkin - Skins (edit: found)
Stardock WindowBlinds - Blinds (edit: found)
Anything else you think would be useful to back-up before formatting (I did remember to backup my plus preferences... doesnt that backup EVERYTHING that has to do with plus! or just the settings?)
This post was edited on 08-09-2004 at 06:54 PM by Maniac.
*It took Jesus 3 days to respawn! Talk about lag!*