Originally posted by Rokkimies
It does not work.
First of all, with older version both of us, me or my friend did not get any accepc window. Or it did not accept automatically.
ANd another friend with win XP and newer versions.. Well, it installed, but he couldn't use it. It did not appear to messenger Plus! in anyplace. Commands did not come in use.
In other words, it was installed, installation did nothing more that copied bunch of files without meaning to /messenger Plus! 3/Plugins
Yet no one of us has gotten nothing more than headache.
Did you ever install on of the first versions?? You gotta remove the 1.0 versions before installing 1.1 If you did
1. Close/Shut Down MSN Messenger (Right click on the Messenger icon and Exit)
2. Run install program again (i dont remember how it goes but if theres a uninstall option do that, restart your computer, then reinstall again)
3. After completion, restart your computer
4. Start MSN Messenger then tell us if it installed.
If it doesnt work, we need XP version, Plus! version, and FTPlus version.
If transfers dont work, maybe you or your friend are behind a router or a firewall. In that case make your "Detect External IP" option is checked and if that doesnt work try checking the passive mode. FTPlus 1.1 RELEASE is coming soon so dont worry if all this doesnt work but it should.