Originally posted by Chaotic_Shield
For example, let's say you have a graphics artist. Windows could have a feature that, when Photoshop (or a similiar program) was installed, cuold allow you to turn your desktop into a drawing studio, with dockable/hideable toolbars with the different tools. But etc..........
THe idea is good, however, imo, it isn't windows who should include those features. All that can already be done (and i think that's how it has to be done) by the programs theirselves. It has to be photoshop, WMP, etc... who adds those toolbars, new features, etc... Adding them in Windows would increase the final price of the product. It's better to add them in separate programs. Also,, for people who won't use those features, they not only won't be enabled but also won't be installed. Only installed and enabled when installing the programs. Better idea.
Originally posted by Chaotic_Shield
an internet radio station hosted by Microsoft or some affiliate,
M$ isn't gonna do that. Even less if it's supposed to be free