Originally posted by Choli
Originally posted by PlusFan
The architecture doesn't matter when we're talking about "user friendly".
That is (may be(?)) true.
Originally posted by PlusFan
All that matters (for most people) is just what gets the job done, and the quality of getting the job done (time, money, etc).
That depends also on the hardware/architecture, so the comparision you can do there includes it and isn't limited to the OSes.
Choli, what if I'd just measure a 'score' (like 19234) which symbolizes the way I can do something, in a user-friendly way, with architecture x + OS y. And I do that for 2 (arch+OS)'es. Let's say I'd get
19234 for (OS 1+arch1)and
18234 for (OS 2+arch2).
Now let's also say that I give/measure scores to/for the architecture
2234 for Arch 1 and
234 for Arch 2
as you can, arch1 scores more points. It could be because it gets the job done faster, because of a better processor or something.
(arch+os) - arch = os
19234 - 2234 = 17000 = OS1
18234 - 234 = 18000 = OS2
So in this way, we have gotten a score for OS2 & OS1 which we can compare.
Also, about your ferrari vs Porche comparisons, where you didn't test them on the same road, I agree that you can't take a conclusion "Porsche is better" from that. But you could say that the Porsche has easier ways to configure your seat, the radio, etc. since the road has no effect on them!
lol.. i don't think this debate is going to end soon enough !
Kinda getting away from the topic now with Hardware but o well
That's why debates ar e the best