RE: fake ppl- do you agree??
This is a topic that pretty much applies to anybody/any where.
We have been experiencing alot of this lately. I have a friend who tries to be someone she is not and she isn't liked much because of it. She acts bad and such but everyone knows she is just faking. People started disliking her because she is so fake and she ended up calling us at a party threatning suicide.
The topic of drugs erm... Most of my friends are smart enough to not smoke so that isn't a big worry. But then again some people brought drugs to our last party (We made them leave). At any shcool people could tell you who does drugs (Its pretty obvious) and they talk behind your back about you if you do. It ruins your body and your reputation.
This post was edited on 11-23-2004 at 08:31 PM by dotNorma.