RE: fake ppl- do you agree??
It really annoys me me when people try to be something that they aren't, they just have this fake person, and then they have their usual selves, I like it when people are down to earth and are the same around everyone, not constantly changing their attitudes etc.
I agree with Stigmata, a lot of the girls in our school are like that, nice alone, but with others ok, unless of course all of their mates like you. They're all rude-girls pretty much, but they're alright.
I admit that I have smoked certain things before, but thats not for here to be honest, but that was a while back when me and my mate fell out over something and I was stressing out, so I went out with some of my other mates.. But NOT again, I don't like smoking at all, I just did it to settle myself down.