RE: Stairway to Heaven...scary
I never wanted to revive this subject, but since other people have done it already:
Like I said in my previous post, all those reversed lyrics are complete rubbish! If you look things up in trusted, unbiassed sources, you'll quickly see that all this is complete rubbish and that everything has to do with mind suggestion.
In fact, many many years ago (when rock-'n-roll, punk, etc. was born) there have been many investigations (yes, real investigations by goverments, courts, etc.) to this stuff and to the very same groups and songs which are listed in this thread. These investigation came after some youngster killed himself and left a note saying that he had to do it because the song X from group Y (can't remember and cba to look it up) told him todo so when you played the song backwards.
This group had been brought to court and it was quickly decided that there was nothing to worry about and that it was only the rich imagination of the youngster that killed him.
How was this determined? After many rediculus words, flames and comments fired to eachother (rockgroup vs concearned parents), the judge had enough and demanded to listen to that particular song. What happend? The singer of the rockgroup gave the judge the reversed lyrics of a part of the song, read it outloud and then everybody listened to that song in reverse, 30 secs afterwards the judge ruled that all this was pure crap and dismissed the whole case. What did the singer gave to the judge? Simply the reversed lines: "Bake an egg on a stove, etc... etc..." (Can't remember exactly, but it was something realy rediculus and harmless), it was VERY clear that the judge, and everybody else in the court, only heared what they were told to hear and thus these reverse song-stuff is complete "suggestive".
Like I said, without knowing WHAT you SHOULD hear, you'll hear nothing!!!
This goes for every possible song and case!!! Except for 1 band and a few songs of this band which did it on purpose after this ruling, to "go against the flow".
In other words, don't be so paranoid people, and do some research before believing everything you'll see and hear on the net.....
Also this, record your own voice for a day, when doing all the useuall stuff. Then play it backwards, and keep in mind that you want to hear devilish stuff, you'll be spooked by yourself as you will hear yourself saying things which you never would imagined.
This post was edited on 11-28-2004 at 05:18 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.