RE: a quick question...
Unfortunatly the poll has been deleted, but IIRC there were only a few people who were against it and even less people who flamed him about it. And the thing that was said to him (again, by 1 person, not the entire community) about getting a job was also vastly misinterpreted by him.
The bad temper is also something not new (and that is the whole issue)! If this was a one-time incident, there wouldn't be so much fuzz about it and nobody would say something about it. But the truth is that he more then often flamed against people, were he accused them of being n00bs and full of BS. Unfortunatly, mostly all the rants like that (and were people go against him) are all moved/splitted in T&T and pruned.
He's the programmer of the most popular plugin. But all this doesn't give him the right to act like he regulary acts. If he isn't the helper-type (like he said before) then ok, fine, respect to that, but don't flame people either....
This isn't about an isolated issue (abusing the rep. system), nor about his programming-skills, but about his negative attitude towards people who ask a simple question or come forward with a comment.
Personaly I always cared about StuffPlug-NG (although I personaly don't have aneed for it and thus don't use it) and about TB himself. I often defended him in issues, I recommend StuffPlug-NG to others, etc. I had chats with him, we somtimes joked around on IRC, etc.... If I didn't care or respect him or his skills, I wouldn't do all that.
The only issue I have (and almost all the others, I think) is the bad temper. And it is even because of that that I often don't post things or heavly think about my words and sentences just so that I don't piss him of.
All in all, I still respect him for what he knows and can. But I sure have problems with his bad temper (towards other people).
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.