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UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami!
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Formally known as 'Wolfenstein'

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RE: RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami!
Originally posted by traxor
Originally posted by Anubis
Originally posted by traxor
but its habitable...
If your talking about Titen you're wrong;
The atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen, with low percentages of argon and methane at around -179°C...
Not exactly breathable or warm, or were you on about another moon?

there is possibility of living organisms on the moon actually... read it in Focus... Just because of the general temparature, doesn't make it inhabitable for stuff does it, it really depends on what is there???

Originally posted by wolfenstein
blah its all nonesense most were probly just made up or something else. Did you know that most UFO sightins are actully planes with lights on :D Im sure there is life on other planets but no where near ours. Far far away! in diffent galaxy's. Deffently none close to us because we have seen nothing to prove that only possible water on some planets which could of had germs living on millions of years ago. If they came done when the egyptions where hear wouldnt we have evidence they ancient egyptions seemed to note most things down writing on walls but they have neva mentioned any aliens.... ^o) They say for every grain of sand there is in the world there is a planet :) so i would say there probly is other life out there somewhere maybe intelligent but most would be germs or something. So far away we havent been into contact and maybe neva will. There is no real wy of knowing this.

Maybe it were made up, maybe it wasn't... but there is no reason why such a thing couldn't be possible whatsoever? I'm sure that a lot  of people look in the sky and see planes thinking that they're ufos... What makes you so sure that there isn't life on Mars or whatever, its completely possible, even if they were invisible, don't say I'm talking nonsence... have you ever head of the face on mars? We have had no proof, I'd say that we have, just people like you aren't really willing to believe such a thing is possible, isn't stuff like this really proof, when stuff happens, people are constantly trying to prove it wrong and make things up, especially the government, you're saying that Area 51 isn't real? and that there isn't stuff that? Well there probably is, why is it prohibited to go anywhere near there etc.? Sure, they're found possible things on these planets... single celled organisms and stuff... Haven't ever mentioned aliens, I know this may seem that I'm following the whole stargate thing, but what about the gods, they used to draw their 'gods' on the walls, and have you ever wondered how strange it is that they had no telescopes, yet they knew about they were really good astrologers and stuff? My dad has a book about the conspiracies and stuff.

right.... you do relise we have sent robots up to mars that have been circling mars for over a year now and found found nothing! weve sent them up there in the past to. We also have signals that go into space to find contact weve had them for years n years since like the 50's and weve had no contact no signals! gods??? hmmm^o) there is no god or gods, there was none. I belive there was a jesus who was crazy! cause theres at least evidence he existed and he was killed because he was crazy and he belived he was the king of the jews. He had many followers and when he died that kept the religion on and more people joined. Christianity is a religion that came from the jews, after jesus died some jews formed a religion called christinas and they were they crazy followers. I rest my case :)
[Image: customsig30958km5eg.gif]
01-14-2005 04:44 AM
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UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Ash_ on 01-13-2005 at 04:34 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by _Humphreys on 01-13-2005 at 04:38 PM
RE: RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Ash_ on 01-13-2005 at 04:39 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by M73A on 01-13-2005 at 04:38 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by user27089 on 01-13-2005 at 04:39 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Kryptonate on 01-13-2005 at 04:44 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by .blade// on 01-13-2005 at 04:54 PM
RE: RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Ash_ on 01-13-2005 at 04:58 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by user27089 on 01-13-2005 at 04:58 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Ash_ on 01-13-2005 at 05:01 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by C3PO on 01-13-2005 at 05:03 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Kryptonate on 01-13-2005 at 05:06 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Anubis on 01-13-2005 at 05:08 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by toddy on 01-13-2005 at 05:15 PM
RE: RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Ash_ on 01-13-2005 at 05:22 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by user27089 on 01-13-2005 at 05:18 PM
RE: RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by C3PO on 01-14-2005 at 04:44 AM
RE: RE: RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Ash_ on 01-14-2005 at 05:00 AM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Jhrono on 01-13-2005 at 05:35 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by -dt- on 01-13-2005 at 05:53 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by surfichris on 01-13-2005 at 11:23 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by L. Coyote on 01-14-2005 at 12:00 AM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Weyzza on 01-14-2005 at 12:50 AM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Mak on 01-14-2005 at 01:07 AM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by MC.POP on 01-14-2005 at 05:14 AM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by John Anderton on 01-14-2005 at 06:26 AM
RE: RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Ash_ on 01-14-2005 at 06:33 AM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by CookieRevised on 01-14-2005 at 07:36 AM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by C3PO on 01-14-2005 at 12:58 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by John Anderton on 01-14-2005 at 01:49 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by CookieRevised on 01-14-2005 at 02:37 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Edna Mode on 01-14-2005 at 02:52 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by _Humphreys on 01-14-2005 at 04:09 PM
RE: RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Ash_ on 01-14-2005 at 10:39 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by Weyzza on 01-15-2005 at 12:42 AM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by user2319 on 01-15-2005 at 07:29 PM
RE: UFO sightings in Asia before Tsunami! - by crank on 01-15-2005 at 08:04 PM

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