Originally posted by Segosa
cd C:\ isn't how you change drives, it's just C:
cd c:\ changes the path of the c: drive to the root folder, but doens't change the folder you're currently unless you're in the c drive; ie: example just copied-pasted:
C:\Documents and Settings\Carlos>d:
D:\>cd c:\
Originally posted by Mike2
Is there a danget that if I install it and then I restart the networked computer, (which I will install it to) the networked computer will boot up with longhorn instead of windows xp?
to install it in the networked pc, you'll have to burn the iso in a CD, go phisically to the networked pc, insert the cd, boot from it and install. You can't install it from VMWare.
You can, however, install longhorn, using only the iso, inside a virtual machine (with vmware, for example) but remember that you'll be installing it either in a partition of your local HD or in a file that you can access from your PC (a local one or in a remote computer, which has to have a previously installed OS (to share a folder and so))).