I'm sure I'll appear on people's deathlist now I made a topic with that title, but hear me out
I just read the news item "Messenger Plus! 3.50 is on its way with a big surprise! " and when I was done reading, I decided to create this topic.
My first point: "The one and only exception is the removal of the "hide banner" option (MSN Messenger 7 only)"
Did Microsoft sue you or something? I mean, why the hell would you want to remove that option. That option was the sole reason for me and all of my friends to install plus. The other features were nice, but that one was the most important of all.
My second point: Those new features... custom emotion sounds? wtf? I do not want little brats to annoy me with stupid sounds all the time. I'm sure it's disableable, but why would you even waste time programming something like that in? I (and many many MANY people with me) would rather see something useful, like an improved file transfer system with resume support (I know it's probably not possible to change msn's current file system, but it IS possible to create a new kind of transfer system, like you would have the option to choose between the original system for transferring to non-plus users, but use the plus, actually working, file transfer system to transmit to other plus users).
So what I'm saying, that
in my opinion with the arrival of 3.5, plus wil only become LESS useful, as the number one future is taken out, and pointless, even annoying features are added.
That's my opinion and I'll probably get flamed to death, but I think the opposition should be heard as well, instead of only worship posts