Simple, coz v1.0.02 is the only build I've used which can be used
completely independent from Window Messenger
I know v1.0 is basic, and I'd much rather be using the latest v1.1.07 build, but
I don't want Windows Messenger loaded on my puter! simple as that! and thus far, the only build that can fit this criteria is v1.0
How come you felt this latest build would function without WM? Have you tried it on a machine that doesn't have WM installed (I mean
completely removed! my tool of choice is xp-AntiSpy, it ripps WM out at the roots and leaves no chance of it creeping back in to your OS!!
I'd been really looking forward to this latest build, Hope you can help out in someway?
PS. Don't mean to have a go at you over this, I'm grateful for the work you've done on this plugin, just hope you can conjure something up that can work independently of WM, if version 1.0 can do it, then hopefully it's do-able?