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Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try
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RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try
Originally posted by Joa
Originally posted by A. Madsen
Yes its alright if they delete the post so only the first one is present.
I am getting very pissed over those stupid: "Edit: USERNAME was faster than me"
Delete the post, instead of that stupid edit

i agree. there are times when the person who was slower, has more information or information slightly different than the first.. at those times you should leave your post. but if it is the same content as the post above, and you notice it, than you should delete it.

Originally posted by Tasha
Also, some posts have a serious lack of content, and questions that coulld be answered simply if enough information was given in the first place, take hours or even days to be sorted. And some answers lack content to. You should try troubleshooting most of the possible answers before saying 'Reinstall MSN and see if it helps'. I myself have said that on a few occassions, but most of the time read through the problem a few times and through the thread and then try to provide as much information as possible.
i agree, but than again, we can't really do anything about those who are asking questions... in such cases instead of asking "what do you mean" post some suggestions. ask specific questions as closely related to the problem stated as possible. because this way you ARE helping. but by posting something like "i don't know what you mean" you are not.

and also.. honestly if you don't know an answer don't post stuff which makes no sense like "reinstall the system" :-/ when there could be other alternatives. LOL.. seriously, if you want to help out, try searching google :-/ i mean if you are not familiar with something and REALLY want to help than learn about the problem before you make up random solutions for it.

:-/ if toddy likes hating on me. there's nothing really i can do about that, it's his choice.

it's not like i posted a thread saying PLEASE GIVE ME A +1, or i ASKED ANYBODY to give me a +1. honestly, if you gave me a +1 based on the way i look, or for any other illegitimate reason, please remove it. i keep on repeating that. it's not like i'm gonna judge you for it. in the end, votes that are given to me for reasons i stated above, actually hurt me. i want to be the best at everything i do. i want each reputation vote that i get to represent something good i did. so when i look at it, i can be proud. and if i'm judged on appearance, and if somebody can't see who i am beyond the physical... than i feel like trash, like i'm worthless, and there is nothing to me. i'm getting really REALLY depressed over the fact that i am blamed for my reputation. i could NOT CARE LESS about my post count, OR my rep. yeah i'd care if i got a negative... but i think that it's a good thing, because i would try to improve.

other than that, the only place i spammed in was T&T (other than two mistakes i made in the past outside of T&T which i already mentioned before)

i agree that i made useless posts and threads in T&T, i am not sure, but maybe some of you noticed that i am staying away from trashing and testing now. at least i am trying not to post as much as i was.

Its not the fact that we hate you, infact, your quite fun to have around!

the point is that people are giving thousands of reps to people because they are 'nice.' Reps should really be reserved for when you help the community. I *did* vote for joa, and i think ill leave it there because joa is very friendly and has helped alot. But seriously, not trying to be mean but, Joa and lp15 and other new members are getting tonnes upon tonnes of reps for the fact that they're 'nice'. Actually, Joa and lp15 don't make that many spammy posts and are really helping lately, but i really think people should stop giving all these reps to new members.

In case ive been under a rock for a while, 51 reps in 2 months means your either REALLY helpful or because of all the people that gave you useless reps.

Just, next time a new member comes to the board, keep the server load down and vote when they help people.

(Whoops, rant :P -- ignore anything you found offencive :cheesy:)

This post was edited on 04-10-2005 at 10:08 PM by ShawnZ.
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04-10-2005 10:07 PM
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Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by RaceProUK on 04-10-2005 at 07:09 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Tasha on 04-10-2005 at 07:14 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Millenium_edition on 04-10-2005 at 07:18 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by RaceProUK on 04-10-2005 at 07:26 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by .Roy on 04-10-2005 at 07:26 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by RaceProUK on 04-10-2005 at 07:28 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Jhrono on 04-10-2005 at 08:29 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by x2zen on 04-10-2005 at 08:33 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Plik on 04-10-2005 at 08:37 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Tasha on 04-10-2005 at 08:47 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by toddy on 04-10-2005 at 08:49 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by toddy on 04-10-2005 at 08:53 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by ShawnZ on 04-10-2005 at 08:55 PM
RE: RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Jhrono on 04-10-2005 at 09:05 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by x2zen on 04-10-2005 at 09:02 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by toddy on 04-10-2005 at 09:05 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by ShawnZ on 04-10-2005 at 09:06 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Jhrono on 04-10-2005 at 09:09 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by toddy on 04-10-2005 at 09:11 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by ShawnZ on 04-10-2005 at 09:37 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Joa on 04-10-2005 at 09:51 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by toddy on 04-10-2005 at 09:59 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by ShawnZ on 04-10-2005 at 10:07 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Joa on 04-10-2005 at 10:07 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by ShawnZ on 04-10-2005 at 10:09 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Tasha on 04-10-2005 at 10:14 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Jhrono on 04-10-2005 at 10:19 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by ShawnZ on 04-10-2005 at 10:22 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Fraisie on 04-10-2005 at 10:24 PM
RE: Brain cells - amazing what you can do with them when you try - by Jhrono on 04-10-2005 at 10:24 PM

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