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Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in?
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RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in?
Originally posted by Timmy_gobbles
Why does it take so long to sign in. Most of the time it doesnt. I let it go for 5 min one time and it still didnt sign in. And then out of nowhere it signs in fine. Any help??
that some times apen to me too.
when starts to take to much time i cancel and try sign in again
04-17-2005 11:46 AM
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Messages In This Thread
Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Timmy_gobbles on 04-17-2005 at 11:38 AM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Rik on 04-17-2005 at 11:46 AM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Tourist on 04-17-2005 at 11:52 AM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Timmy_gobbles on 04-17-2005 at 11:57 AM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Tourist on 04-17-2005 at 12:01 PM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Timmy_gobbles on 04-17-2005 at 12:03 PM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Anubis on 04-17-2005 at 12:09 PM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Timmy_gobbles on 04-19-2005 at 08:25 AM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by MASTER11 on 04-19-2005 at 01:22 PM
RE: Why does MSN 7 take so long to sign in? - by Savior on 04-19-2005 at 08:33 PM

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