Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
Then why the !#"%¤#"%¤#"%¤ does so many people get the "check this out!" .pif viruses??????? And those are even not disgused real good... You see the direct links to the file.. If you did it this way, the people would have no clue of whatever they were pressing... If people are stupid enough to open the .pif viruses spread around, then surely there would be at least twice as many stupid enough to open viruses distrubuted this way!... This is just a huge security risk!!.. There are to many stupid and ignorant people out there.. But I would like to say that this idea is good and great, but I don't think it should be made!...
well firstly microsoft have a built in part of messenger 7.0 that prevent's the transfer of these files in the first place and yes i know that if the sender has the unblocker in stuffplug then stupid people can still receive them. so in addition to this plugin maybe patchou can add a feature into messenger plus that enables US to select with tick boxes what type of files we want to accept in file transfers if the pif files box isn't ticked which if done right patchou could make sure its not by default then they can't receive these viruses. and anyone stupid enough to tick that box deserves to get a virus.