Originally posted by Saving Purity,May 21 2005, 08:51 PM
Sersiouly people, I know for a god damn fact that downloading AND uploading music in CANADA is NOT illegal, the RIAA(w.e they are called) will not do **** about it. It's not illegal, I watched the news when they ruled that it was LEGAL to upload and download music in Canada.
Now the federal goverment is signing two treaties to hold the rights of artists and musicians.
2003 NEWS
Edit: It is legal to download music in Canada but is Illegal to upload it
Sources: http://www.techspot.com/story9499.html
Edit: 2004 NEWS
What i've been looking for.
Source: http://www.slyck.com/news.php?story=509
This means that Downloading and Uploading are infact legal in Canada.
I don't like to download music of my favorite bands, because it is non-supportive. But they still get most of the money from tours and merch. Lil comes from the album. I do download music, but not excessivley.
just a post i made in mess.be forums.
But thats for canada, the us is like screwed!
And i hope limewire doesn't go down.
I'll still have my shareaza,torrents, and warez p2p but it's just rediculous
The artists say they are losing money on record sales, but the thing is they aren't losing money, at least from me, I wouldn't 'buy' the cd in the first place, they can be so expensive at times.
besides artsist only make 10-15% of the profits.