Originally posted by Purity
I would download the music because I liked it and it's free, I often feel bad for downloading music, But I still payed the price for all of hte songs i have with posters dvds etc
No you didn't... you payed for the posters and dvd's, not for the songs/cd's!
Try that argument in a store and you'll be kicked out...
Originally posted by Purity
I can see that they are expensive because of that but if they were cheeper people wouldn't have to download so much.
ermmm... right...
One of the reasons that they are expensive is because people pirate them. Not the other way around! The prices will go down a bit if people stopped pirating stuff, they aren't going down just for the sake of it and so people wont have to download it anymore...
Originally posted by Purity
There will always be pirating of music and software.
I'm not going to rant to everyone not to download illegal stuff and not to pirate stuff. But please don't use false or twisted arguments or wrong rumours to justify your doings...